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Richard Madsen

BigTraffic Consultant
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“BigTraffic doubled our foot traffic on our typically slow nights —amazing results!”

Roger Anderson

Revel Gentlemen’s Club, Las Vegas

Let us know how we can help

What problem are you trying to solve?

Inconsistent Customer Flow2024-08-18T20:23:10-07:00

Businesses experience unpredictable and uneven customer traffic, leading to revenue fluctuations.  BigTraffic Solution:  BigTraffic delivers consistent, high-quality traffic by leveraging a network of influencers and strategic marketing, ensuring steady customer flow and reliable revenue.

Unable to Spark Immediate Traffic Boost2024-08-18T20:12:40-07:00

Businesses need quick increases in customer flow for events, promotions, or seasonal demands but struggle to generate traffic fast enough.  BigTraffic Solution: BigTraffic offers on-demand traffic boosts, rapidly increasing customer flow through strategic promotions and real-time traffic management.

Overreliance on Discounts and Promotions2024-08-18T20:10:59-07:00

Constantly offering discounts and deals to attract customers diminishes brand value and profitability.  BigTraffic Solution: BigTraffic helps businesses attract customers without relying on discounts, using strategic marketing and influential networks to draw in clients willing to pay full price.

Difficulty Reaching High-Value Customer2024-08-18T20:06:53-07:00

Businesses struggle to attract affluent and high-spending customers who significantly impact revenue. BigTraffic Solution: BigTraffic specializes in delivering premium traffic, including affluent patrons and big spenders, by using tailored marketing efforts and an exclusive network.

High Customer Acquisition Costs2024-08-18T20:09:20-07:00

Traditional marketing efforts are costly and do not always yield a strong return on investment. BigTraffic Solution:  BigTraffic uses targeted strategies to attract high-value customers, reducing acquisition costs while maximizing ROI.

Limited Local Reach2024-08-18T20:16:40-07:00

Businesses find it challenging to target and attract local customers who are more likely to become repeat clients.  BigTraffic Solution: BigTraffic uses localized marketing efforts, including partnerships with local influencers and service workers, to effectively reach and engage the local community.

Low Return on Marketing Investment2024-08-18T20:15:10-07:00

Current marketing efforts fail to generate sufficient returns, leaving businesses frustrated with wasted resources.  BigTraffic Solution: BigTraffic focuses on data-driven strategies to optimize campaigns, ensuring higher returns and more effective use of marketing budgets.

Limited Online Visibility2024-08-18T20:14:23-07:00

Businesses have difficulty standing out in a crowded online market, leading to low engagement and traffic.  BigTraffic Solution: BigTraffic enhances online visibility through targeted ads, SEO, and influencer partnerships, driving more customers to the business’s website and physical location.

Ineffective Traditional Advertising2024-08-18T20:13:41-07:00

Businesses invest in traditional advertising methods that don’t effectively convert to customer traffic.  BigTraffic Solution: BigTraffic combines digital strategies with influencer marketing to create more effective, measurable advertising campaigns that drive traffic and engagement.